The exterior of our homes is of huge significance: from the cladding, of our garden to the driveway paving. Deciding which material to use for the exterior of your home is of utmost importance. It has to be able to stand up to weather conditions as well as the usual wear and tear, and as much as we would like to believe otherwise, first impressions count. You need a material that is tough but also looks great, which is why natural stones are ideal for outdoor areas. They deliver on aesthetics as much as they do on performance and sustainability.
Each natural stone has its own characteristics that make some stones more suitable for outside than others. You need to consider factors like climate, sun exposure, snow if you live somewhere cold, and of course how you want it to look. When it comes to narrowing your choice, we would recommend the following natural stones for exterior use:
Marble is considered one of the most luxurious types of natural stone, it adds sophistication to any home. All marbles are able to withstand high pressure and impact and can tolerate extreme shifts in temperature, making it ideal for external use. However, dark-colored marbles tend to fade after being exposed to constant sunlight, so remember to choose one that is most suited for your climate.
In an outdoor environment, travertine is a great choice as is highly mold-resistant. It is a great choice for outdoor patios as much as pool surroundings. It is extremely resistant to temperature swings and it will not scratch as it ages. However, just like marble, when constantly exposed to sunlight it has a tendency to discolor. For that reason, we would suggest choosing a lighter color travertine slab or tile.
Limestone is the most popular stone for exterior use because it is sturdy and low-maintenance. It is extremely tough and able to withstand wear and tear, dampness, humidity, impact, and abrasion. It comes in a wide variety of earth tones and unlike other materials, its color won’t be affected by environmental factors.
Whichever stone you choose, you’ve got to remember that all of them need to be properly sealed to make them easier to clean and ensure they last for a longer time.
If you’ve got any questions or want to talk to our experts head to our website to schedule a call or a visit to our showroom.